I feel fortunate to serve people in need as a nurse. I began my career at an adult bone marrow transplant clinic and then worked in a pediatric cardiovascular ICU, where I dedicated myself to making a positive impact on the lives of children facing an unpredictable future.

In 2017, I found my true calling at On Lok. Working with On Lok PACE participants wasn't just about providing care, but embracing a model that prioritized the community's most frail members, offering them medical attention, genuine compassion, and support. I discovered a connection with On Lok's mission.

I enjoy how my ongoing training emphasizes a holistic perspective, which has given me a unique ability to understand our participants on a deeper level, affecting every aspect of healthcare.

I have witnessed remarkable growth at On Lok and among our fellow nurses. They have adapted to changes and actively shaped the evolution of the PACE model and nursing practices. I eagerly anticipate participating in this continued growth and look forward to the next chapter in my journey.

By Melanie Munsayac, Director of Nursing