Whether they are exploring the feasibility of a PACE program in their community, preparing their PACE provider application, or facing a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services audit, PACE organizations have the On Lok PACEpartners team in their corner.
"As the consulting arm of On Lok, we focus on supporting PACE organizations in areas where low-income seniors have few options for care and ensure that they are aligned with the PACE mission to empower the dignity and independence of older adults," On Lok PACEpartners Director Sandy Rodgers said.
Since pioneering the PACE model in the early 70s, On Lok has been championing PACE expansion nationwide. Today, there are 180 PACE programs serving more than 80,700 participants in 33 states and the District of Columbia, and the number of programs continues to grow. To help prospective and established PACE organizations achieve their goals, in 2006 On Lok launched On Lok PACEpartners, offering customized consulting services backed by its unique experience operating multiple PACE center.
PACEpartners is currently supporting the growth and success of eight PACE programs around the country. Building on On Lok's experience in the PACE environment, the On Lok PACEpartners team brings its own real-world insights to their clients with over 75 years of combined expertise in the areas of leadership, facility and clinical operations, training, regulatory and compliance, finance, census development, and more.
"We have assisted prospective and existing PACE organizations across the nation understand the complexities of the PACE model and what is needed to develop a high-performing PACE program. Our experts have helped build PACE presence in rural communities in dire need of services and supported teams to ensure the delivery of exceptional high-tough care to PACE participants," Sandy said.
In addition to tailored strategic and technical guidance, On Lok PACEpartners offers medical records review, interdisciplinary team workshops, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services workshops.
"The feedback we are receiving from organizations across the county is that PACE is allowing them to expand their mission to serve the frail and elderly in a way they have previously not had the opportunity to do. Our work deepens their understanding of the technical complexities of PACE and supports their journey toward operational excellence and successful growth," Sandy said.
"This work really gets to the core of our mission as a part of On Lok to pursue quality of life and quality of care for older adults and their families."
To learn more about On Lok PACEpartners, visit http://www.onlok.org/pacepartners.